01 What is corporate knowledge?
Corporate knowledge is the collective information, expertise, and experience within an organization. It includes both explicit knowledge, such as standard operating procedures, manuals, data reports, and tacit knowledge, which is more subjective, experiential, and often harder to document like insights, expertise, or skills acquired over time.
02 What’s the difference between a document management system and a knowledge management system?
A document management system, such as Microsoft SharePoint, deals with the handling and organization of electronic documents. A knowledge management system, on the other hand, includes both the management of documented information, and the non-documented information which often resides within the minds of the company’s employees.
Knowledge Management is about leveraging this knowledge to improve decision making, learning, innovation, and overall organizational performance.
03 Why is corporate knowledge important?
Corporate knowledge is the lifeblood of an organization and arguably more important than assets, brands or even individual employees. Having easy access to corporate knowledge allows employees to work effectively and efficiently, which promotes a delivery of products or services to customers.
There are many well-documented examples of organizational failure as a result of catastrophic knowledge loss, which is what happens when a person leaves suddenly or unexpectedly.
04 Why is Knowledge Orchestrator different from other software tools?
Many technology companies believe that Knowledge Management is a software problem. By providing software tools, they believe that employees will suddenly start writing everything down.
Based on our real world experience, we know that’s simply not true.
Our philosophy is that knowledge management is an organization problem and we need to use technology to help foster a knowledge culture. That is, we need to address the people, process and system elements at the same time.
The Knowledge Orchestrator solution has been designed with all three elements in mind and our implementation methodology helps give our customers the best possible chance of creating this knowledge culture.
05 How does Knowledge Orchestrator help our organization?
Knowledge Orchestrator helps manage corporate knowledge in three ways. First, it helps create knowledge through artificial intelligence and intelligent automation. Second, it helps curate knowledge by providing employees and managers with incentives required to keep the knowledge base updated. Thirdly, it helps share knowledge by learning what knowledge people need to do their jobs.
Knowledge Orchestrator uses industry-standard protections to ensure only authenticated users have access to the platform.
07 How do you manage user access and protect confidential information?
Unlike corporate document management solutions, such as SharePoint, our solution is designed to promote collaboration and dismantle silos.
We can designate certain areas of the platform as read-only or restricted, but Knowledge Orchestrator is not designed for storing sensitive or commercial information.
In fact, we actively discourage users from uploading documents, preferring instead that users provide a hyperlink to sensitive documents, which are then protected by the organization themselves.
08 Can I run Knowledge Orchestrator on my own servers?
No, Knowledge Orchestrator is designed to run only within the IBM Cloud. By deploying and managing a standard application on cloud infrastructure, we can ensure that our solution runs as securely and efficiently as possible.
Access to our back-end IBM infrastructure is tightly controlled, and we want to protect our customer’s data by limiting access to these services.