How Catastrophic Knowledge Loss Kills Productivity

Recovery Mode

Once an organisation exepreiences catastraphic knowledge loss it goes into recovery mode:  What do we know and how do we know it.

Its’s a times like this that you wish there was just a little more effort gone into organisting enterprise knowledge.

Instead of forcing people to work on individual ‘documents’ by default – why wouldn’t se start with the idea that everybody worked in a shared digital space.

Instead of working in application silos, we need to create a single organisational hub where everybody knows that answers can be found.

For some companies, it’s an extremely well maintained SharePoint site, with teams of developers constantly refining the platform to suit evolving business needs.

But in most i’ts just left to sort itself out.

Productivity Mode

But imagine what could happen instead of organisations managed enteprise knowledge.

Picture a workplace where all digital knowledge was collected, curated and consumed from a single, secure enterprise portal.

Instead of logging into various applications, the platform incorporates all information relevant to your role into a single enterprise knowledge portal.

Onboarding new employees is easy because the virtual assistant is trained on their knowledge consumption profile and can guide the learning process.

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